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Sensor Calibration and Performance Testing
Release Time:2023-01-11 | Page View:0

We provide test and calibration solutions for analog and digital sensors, such as temperature and humidity, photoelectric detection, electromagnetic field and acceleration sensors.


Compared with general electronic product testing, the challenges of sensor detection are:

l  Sensors parameter calibration, sensitivity test normally with high precision requirements, the system EMI performance is critical;

l  Many sensors with standby current in uA or nA, but working current will be much larger, so higher measuring precision and dynamic range is necessary;

l  Sensor test usually need to simulation more complicated test conditions than electronic products testing

l  Sensor production volume is huge than electronic products, the test efficiency requirements of the overall solution is important;

In order to meet the needs of sensors, we provide sufficient low-noise signal sources, high impedance and bands signal acquisition solutions to simulate them working environment. In system integration solutions, we share our extensive EMI experience with our customers to avoid the impact of the test system on the sensor test environment. In terms of machinery, it must be controlled smoothly and accurately enough to avoid damage to the sensor body by the stress-strain caused during picking up and moving.

For more information please contact: 020-82108945-8002


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